Charabin Seed Farm est 1967
Pedigreed Seed Growers
Frequently Asked Questions
What Companies Supply
us with Seed?
What Future Varieties can you Expect?
We have the pleasure of working with amazing companies that guarantee we are receiving top quality seed to sell to our customers. For more information, check out the links below.
We, at Charabin Seed Farm, pride ourselves on being at the cutting edge of the seed growers industry. We ensure that we do our research so that we can offer you the highest quality products for your farm.
In 2018, you can expect new varieties that will enhance your business, as well as continued support in selecting known varieties that have brought you successful crops as well.
Why Canadian Certified Seed?
Certified seed is the product of a production process designed to deliver specific plant breeding achievements to farmers and the food industry. In other words, it is true-to-type. True-to-type means all the benefits developed by the plant breeder are retained as the seed is multiplied over a number of specific number of generations (to the Certified seed stage) from the small amount of seed developed by the plant breeder.
Seeding Calculator:
How many plants per Square Ft?
Discovery Labs
The Discovery Labs seed calculator allows you to calculate how much seed to plant per acre of land. To use it you will need to what the 1000 kernal weight and the germination rate of your seed is. You also need to know how many seeds to plant per square foot (different for each crop type.) With this information you can calculate how many pounds of seed to plant per acre.
Click here for the Discovery Seeds Seed Calculator.
Click here for the FP Genetics calculator